Probiotic product for the respiratory tract and the supplementary arrangement for incorporating this product into the air.
Nguyen Hoa Anh et al.
Decision to accept the valid application No. 38113/QĐ-SHTT.IP dated May 31th, 2023

Procedure for determining the group of live Bacillus sp. In the probiotic products and the mixture of primers, probes for identifying this group of bacteria.
Nguyen Hoa Anh et al.
Patent No. VN 1-33575 on September 6th 2022.

Intestinal probiotic products and their supplementing structure in drinking water.
Nguyen Hoa Anh et al.
Decision of accepted valid application No. 13574w/QĐ-SHTT on August 5th, 2022.

Probiotic solution for supportive prevention and treatment of vaginitis and its manufacturing process.
Nguyen Hoa Anh et al.
Patent No. VN-40128 dated May 14, 2024.

Probiotic product for supportive treatment of acute respiratory tract infections, bacterial strain and manufacturing process.
Nguyen Hoa Anh et al.
Patent No. VN-40774 dated 09/07/2024.

Probiotic product for supportive treatment of colitis and its manufacturing process.
Nguyen Hoa Anh et al.
Patent No. VN-40127 dated May 14, 2024.

ANABIO R&D Company limited, Industrial design BOTTLE,
Decision of accepted valid application No. 22491w/QĐ-SHTT on December 31th, 2021

ANABIO R&D Company limited, ANAPURE brand,
Patent No. VN 4-0270519 on October 26th, 2016

ANABIO R&D Company limited, GREENBIO brand,
Patent No. VN 4-0235782 on November 21th, 2014

ANABIO R&D Company limited, SPOBIO brand,
Patent No. VN 4-0229460 on August 6th, 2014

ANABIO R&D Company limited, Bacillus indicus HU36 brand,
Patent No. VN 4-2025372 on May 10th, 2013

ANABIO R&D Company limited, Bacillus subtilis HU58 brand.
Patent No. VN 4-0205371 on March 10th, 2013

ANABIO R&D Company limited, Immunobran brand,
Patent No. VN 4-0193465 on October 11th, 2012

ANABIO R&D Company limited, Logo ANABIO R&D,
Patent No. VN 4-0183231 on April 17th, 2012