The research team at the National Children’s Hospital and the Spobiotic Research Center of ANABIO R&D has published impressive results on the effectiveness of liquid Bacillus clausii spores (LiveSpo CLAUSY, Bacillus clausii concentration ≥ 2 billion/5 mL vial) in supporting the treatment of prolonged diarrhea in children.
This clinical trial marks a significant advancement in understanding and treating pediatric diarrhea. The probiotic product LiveSpo CLAUSY is not only safe for children but also shortens the treatment duration by 2-3 days and enhances effectiveness by up to 50-60%, depending on specific symptoms. Notably, the product can reduce the excessive secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by up to 29%, a key factor in reducing inflammation and restoring the intestinal mucosa.
This breakthrough brings new hope for children suffering from prolonged diarrhea and opens up promising prospects for research and treatment of other gastrointestinal diseases.